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contoh kalimat lost in translation

"lost in translation" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Lost in Translation premiered at the Telluride Film Festival in 2003.
    Lost in Translation tayang perdana di Festival Film Telluride pada 2003.
  • Otherwise, teams had to do the Detour, a choice between Kung Fu Fighting or Lost in Translation.
    Pada Percabangan leg ini adalah Kung Fu Fighting atau Lost in Translation.
  • Lost in Translation is a 2003 comedy-drama film written and directed by Sofia Coppola.
    Lost in Translation adalah sebuah film komedi-drama tahun 2003 yang ditulis dan disutradarai oleh Sofia Coppola.
  • Lost in Translation also received awards from various foreign award ceremonies, film festivals, and critics' organizations.
    Lost in Translation juga meraih penghargaan dari berbagai acara penghargaan asing, festival film, dan organisasir kritikus.
  • In Lost in Translation, teams needed to make their way 4 miles (6.4 km) to Kowloon City and find Nga Tsin Wai Road.
    Dalam Lost in Translation, tim harus pergi sekitar 4 mil (6,4 km) ke Kota Kowloon dan menemukan Jalan Nga Tsin Wai.
  • He is notable for working extensively with the American film director Sofia Coppola (The Virgin Suicides, Lost in Translation, Marie Antoinette, The Bling Ring).
    Ia dikenal karena giat berkarya dengan sutradara Amerika, Sofia Coppola (The Virgin Suicides, Lost in Translation, Marie Antoinette, The Bling Ring). ^ "Music - Brian Reitzell".
  • One of the songs he composed for Happy End, "Kaze wo Atsumete" (1971), later appeared in the American film Lost in Translation and on its soundtrack in 2003.
    Salah satu lagunya yang ia komposisikan untuk Happy End, "Kaze wo Atsumete" (1971), kemudian muncul dalam film Amerika Lost in Translation dan pada soundtrack-nya pada 2003.
  • Lost in Translation received awards and nominations in a variety of categories, particularly for Coppola's direction and screenwriting as well as the lead acting performances from Murray and Johansson.
    Lost in Translation meraih penghargaan dan nominasi dalam berbagai kategori, terutama untuk penyutradaraan dan penulisan naskah Coppola serta penampilan akting utama dari Murray dan Johansson.
  • At the 57th British Academy Film Awards, Lost in Translation won three awards; Best Actor in a Leading Role, Best Actress in a Leading Role (Johansson), and Best Editing.
    Di British Academy Film Awards ke-57, Lost in Translation memenangkan tiga penghargaan; Aktor Terbaik dalam sebuah Peran Utama, Aktris Terbaik dalam sebuah Peran Utama (Johansson), dan Penyuntingan Terbaik.
  • In 2004, she received the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for the comedy-drama Lost in Translation and became the third woman to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Director.
    Pada tahun 2003, ia mendapatkan penghargaan Academy Award untuk Best Original Screenplay untuk film Lost In Translation, dan menjadi wanita ketiga yang dinominasikan oleh Academy Award dalam sutradara.
  • In terms of critics' organizations, Lost in Translation received awards in the Best Film category from the San Francisco Film Critics Circle, the Toronto Film Critics Association, and the Vancouver Film Critics Circle.
    Pada organisasi-organisasi kritikus, Lost in Translation meraih penghargaan dalam kategori Film Terbaik dari San Francisco Film Critics Circle, Toronto Film Critics Association, dan Vancouver Film Critics Circle.
  • Johansson shifted to adult roles in 2003 with her performances in Lost in Translation, which won her a BAFTA Award for Best Actress, and Girl with a Pearl Earring.
    Johansson beralih ke peran dewasa pada tahun 2003 dengan penampilannya dalam film Lost in Translation (dia memenangkan penghargaan BAFTA untuk Aktris Utama Terbaik atas perannya tersebut) dan film Girl with a Pearl Earring.
  • Whether you explore the Meiji shrine or walk the famous Shibuya crossing from Lost in Translation, Tokyo is bursting with historic sights that you’ll remember for years to come.
    Apa pun yang ingin Anda lakukan, apakah menjelajahi kuil Meiji atau berjalan menelusuri penyeberangan Shibuya yang terkenal dari film Lost in Translation, Tokyo kaya dengan pemandangan bersejarah yang akan Anda ingat hingga bertahun-tahun kemudian.